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Amazon_Business_Quickbooks_small business email campaignSituation: Historically, content for larger busineses audiences had been repurposed and used for the small business audience, resulting in poor engagment.

Task: Increase engagement with the small business audience and develop scalable method to create quality content.

Solution: Collaborate with brand partners to create small business relevant content based on their expertise. This example focuses on a collaboration with Intuit QuickBooks for a #financialliteracymonth campaign. Six

articles were created with accompanying PDFs that live on the Amazon Business blog. Emails were sent to customers and prospects in the month of April to promote these posts. View the landing page. 

Results: The email campaign drove above average click thru rates and over 30K page views. The articles became top SEO traffic drivers to the blog, garnering another 30K page views in 2023. One of the articles and accompanying PDF became a Google snippet and the PDFs and landing page banners display in relevant Google search results.


Financial Literacy Month Campaign Landing PageGoogle Snippet ExampleFinancial Formulas image on Google



Content Produced: 

Financial literacy month landing page 

Business taxes 

Financial experts

Financial terms & formulas 

Money metrics 

Business registrations 

Business insurance 








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