Project Summaries

From the Ground Up

Problem: Abel Design Group has grown quickly from their humble beginnings and amassed several gorgeous projects under their belt. They also have very skilled talent. To date, the cattended conferences regularly to expand their knowledge base, but they hadn’t put any structure around “packaging” that data and knowledge in a shareable way. They also weren’t sharing regularly.

Solution: The most powerful and versatile tool that you can have is a great summary. Regardless of industry, this is a recurring theme throughout my career. On a tactical level, the goal was to create a “standardized wrapper” that would summarize key projects and concepts. On a strategic level, I created an editorial calendar around their email and social media that would help pace the creation and dissemination of this content.

Results: The average open rate is 30% for the emails and the pdfs have proved to be valuable shareable content. For example, we have used these pdfs to help us get media coverage.

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