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B2B Blog Posts

B2B Blog Posts

I conceived, sourced subject matter experts, interviewed, drafted, reviewed, and published several blog posts for the small business audience. Topics varied from general small business topics to Amazon-related topics. Highlights of this work include increased SEO...
Top Trafficked SEO Content

Top Trafficked SEO Content

Used my knowledge of SEO and CMS systems to advocate for and develop what would become the top trafficked Amazon Business blog post on the topic of Amazon Business Small Business Grants. SEO was the top traffic driver. Traffic driven was exponential in comparison to...
Charming Charlie Commercials

Charming Charlie Commercials

I produced commercials that aired on television to promote the brand during peak seasons. I took advantage of a special tv spot promotion and a timely event “The Royal Wedding” to produce the Charming Charlie wedding and special occasion collection. We...
Video Success Stories: Charming Charlie

Video Success Stories: Charming Charlie

One of the most popular pieces of content in the technology industry was a success story. I used that same concept at Charming Charlie to produce customer testimonials and testimonial-inspired commercials that received thousands of views.
Shareable Summaries

Shareable Summaries

The most powerful and versatile tool that you can have is a great summary. Regardless of industry, this is a recurring theme throughout my career. Abel Design Group had several gorgeous projects under their belt and attended conferences regularly to expand their...
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